Thursday, November 4, 2010


Alfred Nobel

The Man Behind the Nobel Prize

Since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been honoring men and women from all corners of the globe for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and for work in peace. The foundations for the prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth to the establishment of the Nobel Prize. But who was Alfred Nobel? Articles, photographs, a slide show and poetry written by Nobel himself are presented here to give a glimpse of a man whose varied interests are reflected in the prize he established. Meet Alfred Nobel - scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, author and pacifist.

Alfred Nobel, the scientist from Sweden who invented dynamite, bequeathed most of his huge fortune to found the Nobel Prizes when he died in 1896.A found was established for five annual awards to those who had made the biggest contribution in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace.The prizes were publicly awards in 1901.Five committees sit in secret to awards the prize-winners.Except for the peace prize, which can be won by a group, prizes cab be given only to individuals.The peace prize is first awarded in Oslo on 10 December anniversary year, the decide of Nobel's death.The other four each are awarded in Stockholm.If you were on the peace recommend or the literature committee, who would you committee for the Nobel Prize?

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